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World Cities Database Gold Edition

World Cities Database Gold Edition

$1049.95 per year

Database of worldwide cities in text format suitable for any applications requiring a comprehensive list of cities name, state/province (ADM1), latitude, longitude, country code. It is a subset of the GeoDataSource™ Cities Database Platinum and Titanium Edition.

Latest release: January, 2025

Click here to view breakdowns by country

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  • Free and Updated Monthly
  • Multiple Subscriptions Packages Available
  • Most Accurate and Up-to-Date Source of Data
  • Comprehensive List of Cities and Related Items (3,775,013 Entries)
  • Support Worldwide 260+ Countries, Territories and Sovereign Lands
  • Instant Download Upon Subscription
  • Free Customer Support
  • Many Happy Customers
  • Internet connection capable of downloading 88.43 MB compressed ZIP data file
  • 88.43 MB free disk space for compressed file
  • 353.7 MB free disk space for uncompressed data files
  • WinZIP or other similar archive extraction utility
  • SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL or other database software application capable of importing 3,775,013 records from a standard tab-delimited ASCII text file and sufficient disk space to import the database
Feature Designation Code
Code Feature Name Description
PPL Populated place A city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work.
PPLA Seat of a first-order administrative division Seat of a first-order administrative division.
PPLC Capital of a political entity Capital of a political entity.
PPLL Populated locality An area similar to a locality but with a small group of dwellings or other buildings.
PPLQ Abandoned populated place Abandoned populated place.
PPLR Religious populated place A populated place whose population is largely engaged in religious occupations.
PPLS Populated places Cities, towns, villages, or other agglomerations of buildings where people live and work.
PPLW Destroyed populated place A village, town or city destroyed by a natural disaster, or by war.
PPLX Section of populated place Section of populated place.
PPLA2 Second-order administrative division Seat of a second-order administrative division.
PPLA3 Third-order administrative division Seat of a third-order administrative division.
PPLA4 Fourth-order administrative division Seat of a fourth-order administrative division.
Field Name Description Type Length
continent_id Continent ID. An id that determines the character mapping used in the full name field.

  • 1 = Africa
  • 2 = Americas
  • 3 = Antarctica
  • 4 = Asia
  • 5 = Europe
  • 6 = Oceania
number 1
sub_continent_id Sub-Continent ID. A sub division of continent id.

  • 1A = Central Africa
  • 1B = Eastern Africa
  • 1C = Indian Ocean
  • 1D = Northern Africa
  • 1E = Southern Africa
  • 1F = Western Africa
  • 2A = Central America
  • 2B = North America
  • 2C = South America
  • 2D = West Indies
  • 3A = Antarctica
  • 3B = Atlantic Ocean
  • 4A = Central Asia
  • 4B = East Asia
  • 4C = Northern Asia
  • 4D = South Asia
  • 4E = South East Asia
  • 4F = South West Asia
  • 5A = Central Europe
  • 5B = Eastern Europe
  • 5C = Northern Europe
  • 5D = South East Europe
  • 5E = South West Europe
  • 5F = Southern Europe
  • 5G = Western Europe
  • 6A = North Pacific Ocean
  • 6B = Pacific
  • 6C = South Pacific Ocean
character 2
ufi Unique Feature Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies the feature. A feature with multiple names with share a same feature identifier. number 10
uni Unique Name Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies a name. number 10
dsg Feature Designation Code. A two to five-character code used to identify the type of feature a name is applied to. character 5
cc_fips FIPS 10-4 Primary Country Code. A two alphabetic character FIPS 10-4 Primary Country Code uniquely identifying a geopolitical entity (countries, dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty). character 2
cc_iso ISO 3166 Primary Country Code. A two alphabetic character ISO 3166 Primary Country Code uniquely identifying a geopolitical entity (countries, dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty). character 5
full_name Feature's Full Name. The full name is a complete city name which identifies the named feature. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions. character 200
full_name_nd Feature's No Diacritics Full Name. Same as the full name but the diacritics and special characters are substituted with Roman characters. character 200
sort_name Feature's Sort Name. A form of the full name which allows for easy sorting of the name into alpha-numeric sequence. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions. This field is all upper case with spaces, diacritics, and hyphens removed and numbers are substituted with lower case alphabetic characters. character 200
adm1_code First-Order Administrative Division Code. A two to three alphanumeric character code uniquely identifying a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States. character 3
adm1_full_name First-Order Administrative Division's Full Name. The full name is a complete region name which identifies the first-order administrative division. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions.

It is compliant with ISO 3166-2 for all countries except for the countries listed below,
  • 49 countries don't have the official ISO3166-2 subdivisions defined.
  • 1 exception for Bahamas - New Providence region, which do not have ISO3166-2 associated.
  • 1 exception for Singapore - we categorize Singapore as a single subdivision.

Anguilla, Antarctica, American Samoa, Aruba, Aland Islands, Saint Barthelemy, Bermuda, Bahamas, Bouvet Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands, Curacao, Christmas Island, Western Sahara, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, French Guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands, South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands, Guam, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, British Indian Ocean Territory, Jersey, Cayman Islands, Saint Martin (French Part), Macao, Northern Mariana Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Niue, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Puerto Rico, Reunion, Singapore, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sint Maarten (Dutch Part), Turks and Caicos Islands, French Southern Territories, Tokelau, Holy See, Virgin Islands, British, Virgin Islands, U.S., Mayotte

character 200
adm2_code Second-Order Administrative Division Code. The name of a subdivision of a second-order administrative division, or known as a county in the United States. (US only). character 3
adm2_full_name Second-Order Administrative Division's Full Name. The full name is a complete name which identifies the second-order administrative division. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions. (US only) character 200
latitude Latitude in Decimal Degree. Latitude of the feature in ± decimal degrees (WGS84).

no sign (+) = North;
negative sign (-) = South.
float 10
longitude Longitude in Decimal Degree. Longitude of the feature in ± decimal degrees (WGS84).

no sign (+) = East;
negative sign (-) = West.
float 10
SQL Statement
-- Create table "world_cities_gold"
CREATE TABLE `world_cities_gold`(
	`continent_id` INT,
	`sub_continent_id` VARCHAR(2),
	`ufi` INT,
	`uni` INT,
	`dsg` CHAR(5),
	`cc_fips` VARCHAR(2),
	`cc_iso` VARCHAR(2),
	`full_name` VARCHAR(200),
	`full_name_nd` VARCHAR(200),
	`sort_name` VARCHAR(200),
	`adm1_code` VARCHAR(3),
	`adm1_full_name` VARCHAR(200),
	`adm2_code` VARCHAR(3),
	`adm2_full_name` VARCHAR(200),
	`latitude` FLOAT,
	`longitude` FLOAT,
	INDEX `idx_continent_id` (`continent_id`),
	INDEX `idx_sub_continent_id` (`sub_continent_id`),
	INDEX `idx_region` (`continent_id`,`sub_continent_id`),
	INDEX `idx_cc_iso` (`cc_iso`),
	INDEX `idx_dsg` (`dsg`)

-- Load data into table
INTO TABLE `world_cities_gold`

-- Create table "country"
CREATE TABLE `country`(
	`cc_fips` VARCHAR(2),
	`cc_iso` VARCHAR(2),
	`tld` VARCHAR(3),
	`country_name` VARCHAR(100),
	INDEX `idx_cc_fips`(`cc_fips`),
	INDEX `idx_cc_iso`(`cc_iso`)

-- Load data into table "country"
INTO TABLE `country`
-- Create table "world_cities_gold"
CREATE TABLE [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold](
	[continent_id] int,
	[sub_continent_id] nvarchar(2) NOT NULL,
	[ufi] int NOT NULL,
	[uni] int NOT NULL,
	[dsg] nchar(5) NOT NULL,
	[cc_fips] nvarchar(2) NOT NULL,
	[cc_iso] nvarchar(2) NOT NULL,
	[full_name] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
	[full_name_nd] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
	[sort_name] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
	[adm1_code] nvarchar(3) NOT NULL,
	[adm1_full_name] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
	[adm2_code] nvarchar(3) NOT NULL,
	[adm2_full_name] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
	[latitude] float NOT NULL,
	[longitude] float NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX [idx_continent_id] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold]([continent_id]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [idx_sub_continent_id] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold]([sub_continent_id]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [idx_continent] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold]([continent_id], [sub_continent_id]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [idx_cc_iso] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold]([cc_iso]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [idx_dsg] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[world_cities_gold]([dsg]) ON [PRIMARY]
-- Create table "country"
CREATE TABLE [geodatasource].[dbo].[country](
	[cc_fips] nvarchar(2) NOT NULL,
	[cc_iso] nvarchar(2) NOT NULL,
	[tld] nvarchar(3) NOT NULL,
	[country_name] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,

CREATE INDEX [idx_cc_fips] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[country]([cc_fips]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [idx_cc_iso] ON [geodatasource].[dbo].[country]([cc_iso]) ON [PRIMARY]

Single Server License

All prices mentioned in this page are for "Single Server License" unless specified otherwise. "Single Server License" can be used for 1 database server in a commercial environment with single or multiple connected clients.